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FET - Prince of Tennis
C354 by kobashi

It took us a couple of months, but the next vol 40 chapter, 354, is finally out. Thanks to mh3ng, chibi, and sai for their work on this chapter! Hopefully, the next chapter won't take this long. If you guys want to see faster releases from us, please help out. We really really REALLY need editors. Did I emphasize the "really" part enough? Hehe. Until next time!

Forum is back! by kobashi

EDIT: The forum is back now thanks to Chibi!

As most of you know, the forum has been down for almost two weeks now (it is my fault). I was planning to update the site to let everyone know what's going on, but I was home (with no internet) and just started neurosurgery so have been incredibly busy. Anyway, ChibiKikumaru is working on bringing the forum back. She is busy too, but hopefully she'll have time to work on it soon. Sorry for the trouble guys!

C352 Out! by kobashi

Slowly, but surely...anyway, we just released the first chapter from vol 40, chapter 352. If you guys want faster releases from us, please consider helping us out. We really need editors. Back to studying.

POT 40.5 Omake! by kobashi

We have a small, but excellent release today to welcome the new year. It is the omake chapter from volume 40.5 featuring Atobe and Co. from Hyoutei. Thanks to tokyonoir for providing the scans, swiegwo for translating and nehc for editing. ChibiKikumaru has started scanning volume 40 and we'll get working to it as soon as we can. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great 2007 and that 2008 will be even better. Happy New Year from everyone at FET!

Slam Dunk - 10 Days After! by kobashi

Wow, it sure has been a long time.
1) First thing first, we just released Slam Dunk - 10 Days After. This was drawn on the blackboard at some school by Inoue-sensei in 2004 for Slam Dunk's 10th year anniversary. Thanks to swiegwo for translating and nehc for editing. FYI, we love Slam Dunk! Hope you enjoy it!
2) We have volume 40 of POT and ChibiKikumaru will be scanning it later this month. We'll start working on it once we have it scanned.
3) Volume 40.5 was released earlier this month in Japan. I have updated the site's content with new information from 40.5. Browse around. We will also probably scanlate the omake from 40.5
Alright, that's all for today! Happy holidays!

350-351LQ OUT! by Dark Killer

Hello again!! We are here with chapters 350 and 351. We worked really hard so hope you enjoy them.

By the way, we're still looking for editors and scanner so if you want to join our crew, please let one of our staff members know (aka pm us).

348-349LQ OUT! by Dark Killer

Hello everyone!! Chapters 348-349 are now out, so go get them!! This is my first release for fet, so please enjoy them!! Hopefully i'll be releasing more prince of tennis for all you fans out there!! Please look forward to them. ^_^

By the way, we're still looking for editors and scanner so if you want to join our crew, please let one of our staff members know (aka pm us). Special thanks to kobashi who had to deal with all my inexperienced editing skills, and everyone else involved.

347LQ OUT! by mH3nG

First off, #FET is in need of more editors and HQ raws providers or else you'll end up having to wait for months before a chapter of PoT gets released. ;p If you want to help out, please pm an op in the channel. Any help is appreciated.

That aside, special thanks to everyone who has helped out with this chapter especially kobashi since he did most of the work and finally, we hope you enjoyed this release.

339-346LQ OUT! by SeniL

Hi again, long time since... Today we bring I might almost call it a massive release with a total of eight chapters! We've worked our butt's off to give you this release. So be sure to thank those involved!!

We're always looking for new "crew" lacking a better word... To those who have offered their help we thank and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We're currently looking for editors and scanners. Without any scanner soon we're probably gonna drop the whole hq project. Hopefully we'll get someone to help us. And please contact us on mIRC, it's easier when we can talk to you directly.

339-346LQ OUT! by SeniL

Hi again, long time since... Today we bring I might almost call it a massive release with a total of eight chapters! We've worked our butt's off to give you this release. So be sure to thank those involved!!

We're always looking for new "crew" lacking a better word... To those who have offered their help we thank and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We're currently looking for editors and scanners. Without any scanner soon we're probably gonna drop the whole hq project. Hopefully we'll get someone to help us. And please contact us on mIRC, it's easier when we can talk to you directly.

337-338LQ OUT! by SeniL

Two chapters out thanks to mH3nG, Sai the Shaman, Kobashi. Be sure to thank them when you drop by our irc-channel. Now to the important, Kob is getting less and less time over so we need a person who can proof. And we also need editors and scanners!

333-336LQ OUT!!! by kobashi

Four chapters for you guys. Thanks to mh3ng, senil, chibikikumaru, sai and munsung for their work. Maron is currently busy with school and won't be able to scan, so if anyone is willing to scan pot volumes for us, please contact us. Otherwise, I think we may just not do HQ. And of course, more editors are always welcome. Until next time!

331&332LQ OUT!!! by SeniL

Release again O_Ooo? Yup. Today we bring you chapter 331&332 in lq. Be sure to drop by our irc-channel and bid your thanks. And as always, we need editors!! See you in our irc-channel.

292v2 released! by SeniL

Hello. 292v2 is out!! After much hard work we've finally released something =P And as always I'll plead to those who know how to edit. If you know how to edit and want to help us so we can release faster, contact an op in our irc-channel.

We NEED Help!!! by SeniL

If you know how to edit or can translate japanese to english please talk to me or another op in our irc channel. We are falling further behind because we're so few people. If you want to join and help but can't edit or translate
read some guides and then join up. Help out now! Laters.

C290-291HQ, 330LQ Released! by kobashi

Today, we released version 2 of chapters 290-291 (thanks to Maron, swiegwo, Senil, Rangiku, Thuzad). We still have 1 more chapter to go before finishing up volume 33. I'll try to coerce one of our (few) editors to work on it. We also released chapter 330 low quality (thanks to swiegwo and mH3nG). I know we are really behind, but we are really short staffed with both translators (especially) and editors. You know how to contact us if you want to help.

C328, 329LQ Released. by SeniL

Two new chapters. We're extremely short on people. As you might have noticed we're beginning to become slower and slower so I urge you who knows how to edit and/or translate(Japanese to English) and are willing to help contact me or another admin in our irc-channel or by mail. Well, enjoy these two chapters and we'll try to get next out as fast as possible.

C283-289HQ Released! by kobashi

Sorry, still no "new" chapter, but we do have hq releases of v33 c283-289 for you guys today. There are 3 more chapters to the volume, but they are still being worked on and since I don't know how long it'll take for us to get them done, I thought we'd just release the ones that are ready. As you can tell with our lack of releases these past months, we are really in a bind. We are really understaffed and desperately need both TRANSLATORS and EDITORS!!! If you have any interest in helping us out, please don't hesitate to contact us. Also, I put up the results of the online popularity poll. Thanks to everyone who voted! Anyway, hopefully, we'll have more releases for you guys soon.

4th Popularity Poll Results by kobashi

I updated with the results from the 4th popularity poll that appeared in chapter 333.

Online Popularity Poll by kobashi

As some of you are aware, the 4th popularity poll will be released this week in Japan with chapter 333. I thought it might be interesting to see how different the online international POT community is to the Japanese fandom in terms of their preferences, so I decided to do our own popularity poll. I know everyone wants to see their favorite character or school on top, but PLEASE MAKE ONLY ONE SUBMISSION so that the results will be more accurate. I want to include as many POT fans as possible, so if you can and want to, try to ask other POT fans to participate. This poll will last until 2/28/2007 and with that, until next month. Thanks!

EDIT 1/30: C327lq is out! Enjoy!

FORUMS REOPEN!!! c325-326LQ out! by kobashi

First off, chapters 325-326lq are out. We still need translators, so if you want to see quicker releases from us, please consider helping us out. Secondly, we have decided to reopen the forums. Most of the moderators from the old forums are back and hopefully, users old and new will want to become part of our community. Please don't forget to read the rules when you first join. Anyway, hope to see you guys on the forums.

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